Auto Wrap-Up

Auto wrap-up is a contact center feature that allows you to reduce the time spent on hold by making calls automatically hang up after a specified [...]

Call Avoidance

In contact center terminology, Call Avoidance is a common term used to define the tendency of a caller to terminate a contact prior to completion.


A channel is a format used by the contact center to receive customer contacts and then route them to a specific set of agents or to specific [...]


CTT stands for contact type and content type, two of the major factors that affect call routing results


E911 is a system that connects a calling party to the appropriate emergency service. The address of the subscriber is transmitted along with the [...]

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

GUI often called as Graphical User Interface, which is nothing but a visual user interface. In simple words, it means you can use the system [...]


Interaction is the communication between the contact center representative and the caller. The objective of interaction is to gather information, [...]

Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)

LEC is a Local Exchange Carrier. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that the local exchange operates efficiently and effectively. This [...]

Multichannel Cloud Contact Center

Live chat multichannel cloud contact center solutions allow brands to provide better experience for customers through real-time, personalized [...]

Peaked Traffic

Peaked traffic in a contact center is an important measure of call flow efficiency. This is associated with the number of calls using a per unit [...]

Quality Plans

Quality plans are documents that speak of contact center planning and the standards to be maintained. They are policies that bound the service [...]


A server is a computer that provides client services over a network. A server can provide various services on behalf of other computers and [...]


TAPI or The Application Programming Interface (TAPI) is a software interface that allows applications to make calls on a telephony system. It [...]

Video Calls

Video calls can be used to make online video chat, whether for personal or business purposes. The definition of video call can be traced back in [...]

Yellow Pages (YP)

The Internet is a vast yellow, pages directory full of gigabytes of information. Much of the yellow pages we use today was its beginning. It [...]

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