The Future of Healthcare: Top Trends Uncovered at AHIMA 2016

From navigating massive crowds of people, to picking up countless goodies at different booths and networking with industry professionals from across the country — attending trade shows and conferences is an invigorating way for professionals to gain fresh insights. Thriving off the energy and excitement that fills the convention center ballrooms, attendees have the opportunity to examine critical and pertinent industry issues with the goal of exchanging new ideas and expertise to shape a more innovative future.

Two weeks ago, we had the privilege of joining thousands of Health Information Management (HIM) professionals at the 2016 American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Convention & Exhibit in Baltimore.

AHIMA Convention 2016 hall

With the theme of this year’s AHIMA Convention & Exhibit being “Inspire Big Thinking to Launch Our Future,” much of the discussion was centered on the future of healthcare — and healthcare information, in particular. Participants discussed how recent changes in the healthcare system have revolutionized the way that information is shared not only between providers, but with patients as well, and how this process is shifting with the growth of technology.

Security is Buzzing in the HIM World

Throughout the four days we spent at our booth exhibiting Revation’s solutions and connecting with HIM professionals, we overheard several new healthcare topics buzzing around the convention — and the topic that created the loudest noise and received the most attention was security.

AHIMA Convention 2016 revation booth

With stories of cyberattacks on hospital systems and organizations flooding newsfeeds daily, many healthcare professionals are facing the same questions: Just how protected is private health information in today’s digital era? And, more importantly, what actions can healthcare professionals take to ensure the security of this information?


As new technology continues to transform the healthcare industry, it’s more important than ever for healthcare professionals to be aware that private health information is at risk of being exposed. HIM professionals need to figure out a game plan for protecting health information, especially now that it’s so easily accessible from the web and mobile devices.

Growing Awareness of Secure Health Information Solutions

One of the more popular resources that AHIMA provides to HIM professionals is access to privacy and security credentials, such as the Healthcare Privacy and Security (CHPS) credential. Given the current landscape of the healthcare industry, many HIM professionals are now seeking this certification in an effort to expand their knowledge of security requirements, especially as adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs) becomes more prevalent.

Now that patients’ private health information can be accessed through the web and mobile devices, providing solutions that ensure that this information is secure is critical to the future of healthcare. In the coming years, HIM professionals will be tasked with the challenge of finding new and innovative ways to work toward a secure environment in which health information is shared among healthcare providers and patients alike.

To find out what we learned at the annual Home and Community Based Services Conference (HCBS) in Washington, D.C., check out our blog post on “Using Technology to Bridge the Gap between Healthcare Services and the Consumers Who Need Them.”

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